Equity Asset Valuation Workbook

Author : Jerald E. Pinto
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Equity Asset Valuation Workbook...

Equity Asset Valuation Workbook, Fourth Edition provides the key component of effective learning: practice. This companion workbook conveniently aligns with the text chapter-by-chapter, provides brief chapter summaries to refresh your memory on key points before you begin working, and explicitly lays out the learning objectives so you understand the “why” of each problem. These features reinforce essential theories and their practical application, assist you in gaining proficiency in the core concepts behind these theories, and accurately determine when and how to implement them. Those who self study will find solutions to all exercise problems. This workbook lets you: Refresh your memory with succinct chapter summaries Enhance your understanding with topic-specific practice problems Work toward explicit chapter objectives to internalize key information Practice important techniques with real-world applications For everyone who wants a practical route to mastering the general analysis of stock shares held by individuals and funds, Equity Asset Valuation Workbook, Fourth Edition lives up to its reputation for clarity and world-class practice based on actual scenarios investors face every day.

Published Date : Aug 20, 2020
Publisher : WILEY
Page : 226 Pages
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